PCC by Petrona White
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Prometheus Complex Care Overview
About Prometheus Complex Care (PCC)
Hello, I'm Petrona, one of the deputy managers at Prometheus Complex Care.
PCC offers a comprehensive complex care package across various settings including general hospitals, mental health facilities, community services, and care homes.
- Service Scope: Provides care in alignment with mental health legal frameworks, focusing on a patient-centred approach.
- Collaboration: Works within multi-disciplinary teams to support patient needs and ensure therapeutic relationships.
- Teamwork: Emphasises teamwork to support patients, families, and service requirements.
Working with PCC
At PCC, teamwork and professionalism are paramount:
- Staffing and Booking: Coordination and scheduling are managed via text messages by knowledgeable coordinators.
- Shift Details: When confirming availability, specify the day (e.g., Monday), date, and shift type (day or night) for accurate allocation.
- Professionalism: Maintain high standards of professionalism and teamwork during assignments.
If you have any queries, please feel free to approach us for a chat. We are here to support you. Thank you.