Operations manager and HCA
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Michelle Wright - Operations Manager at Prometheus Safe & Secure
Hello, my name is Michelle Wright, and I oversee operations at Prometheus Safe & Secure. With eight years of experience at Prometheus, I've progressed from a HealthCare Assistant to Clinical Logistical Manager, and now Operations Manager since last year.
Our Bases
We operate from three main bases:
- Birmingham: Head office
- Exeter: Southwest base
- Wellington: Northwest base
Staffing and Operations
I manage all zero-hour staff and oversee various operational aspects:
- Spot Checks: Regular checks for staff punctuality and uniform standards.
- Job Staffing: Staffing levels for different types of transport jobs:
- Informals: Three Health Care Assistants (HCAs)
- Section Patients: One RMN and three HCAs
- High Risk Section Patients: One RMN and four HCAs
- Under 18 Patients: One RMN and two HCAs
- Risk Assessments: An RMN is assigned based on clinical risk assessments.
Paperwork and Procedures
It's essential to complete paperwork accurately, as this determines Trust charges and staff payments.
Safety Protocols
In case of vehicle breakdowns, ensure safety using recognised physical intervention protocols, particularly for detained or informal patients.