Clinical logistics manager (CLM) - Vickie Richards

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About Prometheus

Welcome to the Team!

My name is Vickie Richards and I have been working for Prometheus since 2016. I started as a Health Care Assistant (HCA) working on ambulances and was promoted to a Clinical Logistic Manager (CLM) two years ago. I am very proud of my job and the opportunities that Prometheus has to offer. Our team of CLM staff works all over the country, including Birmingham, the North West, and the South West. We have a base in Exeter, as well as contracted staff that live there.

As a new member of our team, I would like to welcome you to the Prometheus family. You will be fully supported in your new role by myself and all the management team. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask, and we will always be willing to answer them.

How it Works

Each part of the business has a separate telephone number that is used to send your availability. The PSS transport line, the 136 phone number, and the PCC complex care coordinator number are all used to request your availability on a Friday for the week ahead via a text message for transport.

When sending in your availability for transport, please provide the dates and times when you can work. For example, "week commencing the 12th of May, you may be available on Monday, 8:00 AM till 10:00 PM and then on Tuesday, 6:00 AM till midnight, and then availability cancellations."

Please do not cancel your availability 10 minutes prior to when you could be called. We ask that you are punctual and willing to work the hours stated in your availability. We expect you to be smart and fresh and in full uniform for any jobs you do for us.

Uniform and Contact Information

Our uniform consists of black trousers, a blue Polo shirt, a blue jacket or a winter coat, which can be purchased. Please make sure to have your ID badge visible at all times.

We ask that you provide your correct name as it appears on your driving license, whether you are an RMN or an HCA, and where you are based. This information will be saved on our files and work phones for when you are contacted for work.

Patient Transport

Once you have received the call from us for a job requesting you to work, you will be told of a time to be at base ready to depart with your team. We will give you one hour and 15 minutes to reach the base.

We will sometimes call the evening before to allocate a pre-booked job that falls within our availability. You will then receive a WhatsApp message informing you of the collection and destination of the patient as well as other important information.

Our staff supports the police in the North West of England in accidents and emergency wards. The patient has generally been brought into A&E as they are mentally unwell and pose a risk to themselves or others.

136 Observation Shifts

The 136 CLM will put shifts out via WhatsApp groups when we require staff to go and work in Liverpool or Lancashire. You will be added to all groups requiring your assistance if you are available.

Most of these 136 observation shifts are in Liverpool, Cheshire, and Lancashire. If you break down, please call the CLM for breakdown assistance.