Fleet by Joel Burton
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Welcome to Prometheus Fleet Orientation
Hello everyone, my name is Joel, and I am the Fleet Supervisor here at Prometheus. Together with Sean, our Fleet Manager, we ensure smooth operations of our transport services.
Office Location and Support
Office Location: Our office is on floor six, unit 603, Fort Dunlop. You can find both Sean and myself here throughout the day to assist with any issues.
Keys Collection: Please collect transport keys from the secure safe allocated by CLM PCC coordinators for your assigned job. Contact them immediately if the allocated keys are missing.
Ambulance Essentials
PPE and Equipment: Inside the transport ambulance, you'll find all necessary PPE and equipment stored in the rear, ensuring readiness for each job.
Additional Items: Handcuffs and ligature cutters are located in the glove box, with a metal detector in the side pockets of the front doors. Paperwork is kept in the folder on the front seats.
Vehicle Maintenance: Please maintain cleanliness by disposing of any rubbish promptly.
Driving the Ambulance
Fuel and AdBlue: Use regular diesel only; do not mix with high-octane diesel. Keep the tank above half-full. AdBlue should be filled separately if needed.
Driving Tips: Ambulances are automatic; use your right foot for driving. Electric seat adjustments and satnav are user-friendly.
Safety and Tracking: Adhere to speed limits and bus lane rules. Vehicles are tracked 24/7, and speeding fines are deducted from bonuses.
Damage Reporting: Report any vehicle damage immediately to Joel, Sean, CLMs, or coordinators to expedite repairs. Damages may affect bonuses over months.
Driving Orientation
Induction: A driving orientation will be part of your in-person induction to ensure comfort and safety behind the wheel.
If you have any questions or need further assistance, please don't hesitate to contact us.