Course Summary

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1 min 30 sec
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Course Test Information


Congratulations on completing your course! The next step is to take the course test.


Before starting the test:

  • Review Resources: You can revisit videos and documents in the student resources section.
  • Test Conditions: There is no time limit, but the test must be completed in one session.
  • Question Types: The test includes multiple-choice questions and true/false statements, each with one correct answer.

Testing Process

During the test:

  • Answer Assistance: If you answer incorrectly, you will receive additional help and can choose another answer.
  • Adaptive System: The test adapts based on your responses, ensuring unique question sets for each individual.
  • Retakes: If you do not pass a section, you can review materials and retake the test.


After passing the test:

  • Print Certificates: Print your completion certificate, certified CPD statement, and evidence-based learning statement from the course homepage.

Thank you for completing the Prometheus induction course, and best of luck with your test!