Complex care report form
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Complex Care Report Overview
In this section, we'll outline the requirements and procedures for filling out the Complex Care report.
Checklist Summary for RMNs
Here's a summary checklist for Registered Mental Nurses (RMNs) to follow during their shifts:
- Time Sheet: Record arrival at base, departure from base, and arrival at bed watch, totalling hours worked.
- Shift Summary: Document shift details including patient's legal framework and sign as required.
- Recording Marks: Clearly record any visible marks on the patient for legal documentation.
Hand-Over Procedures
When handing over care:
- Hand-Over Sheet: RMNs sign the time of hand-over to another RMN.
- Patient Transfer Form: Document patient transfers at the end of bed watch, signed by hospital or community RMNs.
Ambulance and Driving Records
For ambulance operations:
- Ambulance Checklist: Overview of ambulance condition and equipment.
- Driving Record: Log driver details from start to end of the shift.
Handing Over Form
Important documentation for patient care transitions:
- Handing Over Form: Document transfer of care responsibilities with signatures from involved parties.
This concludes your Complex Care report overview. Thank you.